Mark your calendar for April 24. 

On Wednesday, April 24, 2024, we invite Alumni and Alumni Parents to come together in support of The John Cooper School by making a contribution to the School on our 2024 Alumni Day of Giving. As an alumnus or parent of a graduate, you have experienced the value of an education from JCS. We invite you to come together this day and ensure that other Dragons have the same experience to thrive!


One Cooper alumna has offered a $5,000 challenge gift if The John Cooper School receives donations from 75 alumni on our Giving Day. Over 24 hours on April 24, 2024, we invite our dedicated Dragon alumni to help us reach this milestone and unlock this challenge!


  • Please go online on April 24 (or contribute earlier towards the challenge!) to make a gift to the School!
  • Share your gift and the Alumni Giving Day challenge, demonstrating your commitment to your (or your child’s) alma mater! (through social, please tag @CooperAlumni, #OnceADragonAlwaysADragon, #JCSAlumniGive)
  • Invite others - your classmates or former teammates, bandmates, clubmates, etc - to join you!

We look forward to seeing you on campus or at an alumni event this year and thank you for your commitment to The John Cooper School!